Facing The Storms

Date: March 2, 2016 ()

Bible Text: |

Facing The Storms March 02, 2016 (Wednesday Evening) Rodger Bradley | Series: N/A Facing The Storms. What storms do you have causing turbulence in your own life? How are you doing facing them? Rodger Bradley is the Founding and Senior Pastor of Church on the Rock. Serving in the ministry since 1986, Rodger believes in reaching those

Making Things Right (Living a Balanced Life)

Date: January 25, 2015 ()

Bible Text: Philipians 2:12-16 |


Making Things Right January 25, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Rodger Bradley | Series: Living A Balanced Life Bible Text: Philipians 2:12-16 Making things right when things go wrong. Ever heard, "You just don't have enough faith - that's why things are going so wrong." Sometimes faith isn't the issue. Paul teaches us to "Work Things Out" and sometimes
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